Barr. Adaku R. Ohagwu LL.M.

Senior Researcher/Consultant (Legal)

Barr. Adaku Rita Ohagwu LL.M. is a seasoned Legal Practitioner with a wealth of experience in various legal fields. She has been actively engaged in the areas of International Human Rights, Women’s Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, Gender Justice, and Capabilities Approach for over 12 years.

She has worked with several non-governmental organizations that promote and defend the inalienable rights of individuals: as a Legal Practitioner and a Volunteer.  Her professional journey reflects her commitment to legal excellence and her dedication to advancing the rights and well-being of individuals, particularly women and those in the reproductive health sector. Her conference paper co-presented at the 6th Union for Africa Population Studies (UAPS) Conference at Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso titled “Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights of Nigerian Women and the Dynamics of Population”[1] is a testament to her drive for sustainable solutions to problems facing Nigerian women, through the use of academic research.

Furthermore, her article titled “A Critical Evaluation of International Commercial Arbitration within the National Legal System.”[2] which was published on Social Sciences Research Network(SSRN) has since been downloaded over 635 times and has gathered over 1,861 views. It was also published in the bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL[3] for the year 2016. Finally, it was rated by SciSpace[4] as one of the top 5 papers when answering the query “What papers critically analyse the impact of international arbitration?”

Barr. Ohagwu has a Master of Laws Degree from the Faculty of Law, University of Ibadan-Nigeria. Additionally, to boost her research skills, Barr. Ohagwu has taken several courses online with Coursera. These include English for Career Development, University of Pennsylvania (September 2024); Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (June 2024); Writing and Editing: Structure and Organization. University of Michigan (Feb. 2024); Global Diplomacy: The United Nations in the World. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (Jan. 2024); Writing and Editing: Word Choice and Word Order. University of Michigan (Jan. 2024); Learning How to Learn: Powerful Mental Tools to Help You Master Tough Subjects (With Honors). Deep Teaching Solutions (December 2023) and English for Journalism. University of Pennsylvania (November 2023).

These academic research achievements make Barr. Adaku Rita Ohagwu LL.M. an invaluable part of the team, here at Patavia Educational Consultancy Services LLP.